
3 Easy PostPartum Ab Exercises

Having a baby is perhaps the most beautiful thing a woman can experience, all the previous months to the delivery everything is filled with joy an amusement as they see their tummies getting bigger and bigger. But...once the baby is born, things get different, the main question is "how to recover my tight stomach?" Some say use special clothes, other recommend to be on diet, but the truth is tat you need in any case to do postpartum abs exercises.

Don't be discouraged by the lack of energy. Doing these exercises will in fact give you more energy! Before engaging in these activities it is best to consult with a professional to perform them in an effective way with no injuries.

Progressive Crunchless Crunch

This postpartum ab exercise will help you work your abs the same way as traditional crunches but avoiding the strain in the neck.

1. Sit on a chair, with on hand above the bellybutton and one below to let you feel the contractions.

2. Expand your midsection with a big deep breath.

3. Breathe out while pulling your belly in towards your spine.

4. Briefly contract your abdominal muscles 5 times.

5. Repeat for an entire set.


1. Sit on a chair like with the progressive crunchless crunch.

2. Breathe deeply to open your midsection.

3. Exhale and bring your belly halfway to your spine.

4. Pull the belly fully to your spine. Hold for one second.

5. Repeat form the halfway 100 times.

Crunchless Crunch

This is like the first exercise but with just one move.

1. Lie with on your stomach, and relax completely.

2. Pull your bellybutton towards your spine. Hold for tens seconds or until you can't feel the muscles very good.

3. If it feels too easy hold for more seconds.

The goal is to hold the contraction until you feel the rest of abs muscles working harder than the transverse abdominal muscles.

The good thing about these postpartum abs exercises is that you can do them any time throughout the day. You can even do them while breastfeeding your baby! (Except the crunchless crunch) Stick to them and you'll recover your tight stomach in no time!

Learn how to get the stomach you want with PostPartum Abs Exercises. While you are there be sure to join our newsletter for tips and more product reviews.

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