
Postpartum Appetite Management For Help Losing Your Postpartum Tummy Pouch

Postpartum life and pregnancy itself present various challenges as far as diet and fitness are concerned. In this article I will suggest a method or two for staving off those between meal cravings.

It seems that since the beginning of time cravings have been a huge part of pregnancy and postpartum life. One could even make a case that controlling cravings or between meal snacks is something that we all should aspire to for life. It is common knowledge that snacking is a major culprit in the fight against obesity in the western world.

You have to admit that when one of these evil craving comes over you, if you can just make a good decision the craving will be satisfied by whatever you choose. I have found that instead of following your feeling you should do your best to be conscious or mindful of your snack decisions. When you take the time to think for just a second you will make better choices. Of course it helps to rid your pantry of all high sugar low nutrition snacks, so that they are not right in your face everyday.

Replacing Postpartum Snacks & Meals:

Most nutritionist are on board with the idea of eating small meals more often during the day instead of eating the traditional three big meals. The idea being that your body will not go into starvation mode there-by keeping your metabolism on a faster track. The problem with this eating 6-to-8 meals a day is that life tends to get in the way.

Before you know it 4 hours have gone by and you get a hunger pain. One of the best solution for this is liquid meal substitution or smoothies. There are some very good concoctions out there now. These things are not your parents smoothies. Today smoothie shakes have both nutritional value and great taste.

A Few Meal Replacement Suggestion:

Here are a few suggested smoothies that will more than get you through your postpartum diet cravings.

#1 Lightful Satiety Smoothies:

Get it at: Whole Foods

Price: $2.79

Contents: Five grams fiber & protein- You should feel full for 2-to-3 hours

Calories: 90 with 1/2 gram of fat

Taste: Cafe' Latte with authentic coffee flavor

#2 Satiatrim:

Get it at: Satiatrim.com

Price: $40.00 Per Case

Contents: no-data You should feel full for 4 hours

Calories: 50 (60% of them from fat 3 1/2 grams) 3 grams of heart healthy fat-

Taste: Multiple flavors

#3 Slim-Fast Optima Shakes:

Get it at: Most Grocery Stores

Price: $6.69 per six-pack

Contents: 5grams fiber & 10grams protein You should feel full for 4 hours

Calories: 190 calories 6grams fat, 50% of your calcium and 100% of your vitamin c needs

Taste: Multiple Flavors

These are recommended meal/snack replacements review by "Shape Magazine"

I hope these good alternatives will help you stave off some of those evil cravings! Thank you and good luck.

The miracle of pregnancy is just that, a miracle. However we do have to take action in the real world to look out for the physical vessel bringing the new life to us, the mom. Take a leading role in your own physical condition, by visiting the site below. It was designed for moms by a mom.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=V._Pearson

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