
Successfully Fighting Postpartum Hair Loss

Whenever hair loss happens it is an ominous occurrence, for either gender at any age. You would likely be concerned about if it happens when were in your twenties; you would still very likely be concerned about it in your forties or even in your sixties.

Men are worried about hair loss just as women are. Losing your hair is not something one would wish for and it is actively fought by many with any possible efforts and resources.

Ways of Handling Postpartum Hair Loss

Among new mothers postpartum hair loss is common and considered normal. This typically occurs right after childbirth and will persist until the child begins to walk. Some of the symptoms of postpartum hair loss are pretty astounding; with abrupt occurrences of clumps of hair falling out when brushing or left on the pillow after an evenings sleep; yet you can still take comfort in the fact that this is a temporary hardship.

Factors Involved

Everyone realizes that there is a sudden surge in hormones in the blood when pregnancy happens. Many changes in the body are because of the sudden gain in the blood flow, such as augmented breast size (as the production of milk starts to flow the hormones increase), changes in the reaction to taste, smell and requirements for food, change of skin color and so on.

This is also the period when hair is affected, although the majority of the time this is not obvious. Hair as well, responding to the increased production of hormones has less growth and falls out less, ending up in a improved more luxurious crowning glory.

After Childbirth

Nevertheless, once the child is born, there is a reduction to the normal levels that are required. At this point the situation in the body returns to pre-pregnancy levels.

With this process, hair will begin to behave in the same way that it was prior to the pregnancy occurring, when it is not uncommon to have roughly 50 strands per day fall out. The instant that the hormones were reduced, the added hair that grew throughout the pregnancy as well as the normal fall out rate or hair (but didn't because of the pregnancy) starts falling.

The scalp will not have the capability to support all the additional hair even normally speaking, because the mothers quantity of nutrients is channeled in the milk for the child. Therefore, the end result is postpartum hair loss.

Nevertheless, there is nothing to concern yourself about for postpartum hair loss. Introduce into your diet a good quantity of green leafy type of vegetables (lettuce, spinach, etc.) which will provide added strength to the hair and assist in it's regeneration. Consult a physician prior to any major changes and begin taking vitamin supplements which would help in controlling further hair loss.

Listen to Korbin Newlyn as he shares his insights as an expert author and an avid writer in the field of health. If you would like to learn more go to Hair Loss Shampoo advice and at Natural Hair Loss Remedy tips.

Postpartum Weight Loss - 3 Secret Tips

After having a baby, many women are disappointed to find that they still carry some extra weight. With so many celebrities slimming right back in to shape, it may make you wonder if there is some super secret to postpartum weight loss that they aren't sharing. Well, in actuality there are several secrets to losing those extra pregnancy pounds - read on to learn great tips for post baby weight loss.


It's long been known amongst new mothers that that breastfeeding can make losing the postpartum weight much easier. The concept is simple - when you are breastfeeding, you are still providing nourishment to your baby and as a result, you body uses more calories.

By eating healthy and not going overboard, the extra calories used by feeding baby will work towards slimming you down fast. Also, breastfeeding in the early postpartum weeks can encourage your tummy to have mild muscle contractions that squeeze your stomach muscles back in to shape.

If you can't breastfeed, don't worry. There are other ways to encourage weight loss after pregnancy that are healthy for everyone.

Increase Activity to Boost Metabolism

Taking baby for a stroll is not only a good way to get out and around, it's a good way to add some extra activity to your daily routine.

Even if walking with baby is not possible because of weather, you should find a way to add brief periods of metabolism boosting exercise to your day. Besides, asking your partner to watch the baby for 15 minutes while you slip out for a bundled up brisk walk is also a great way to clear your head and relax.

Adding simple activity like walking is a great way to speed up your body's metabolism and encourage weight loss. In order to be effective, you must be consistent. Try for 15 minutes a day or better. Even a small commitment of time can have a huge impact on your body (and self esteem).

Toning Exercises For Trouble Areas

In addition to regular activity, consider adding exercises that are specifically designed to tone tough post baby areas like your tummy and thighs. By targeting specific muscles, you can regain the muscle tone and definition that disappeared over those 9 months.

While these aren't earth shattering secrets, they are highly effective ways to achieve postpartum weight loss. All it takes is a will to lose the weight and the dedication to commit to 15 minutes a day and you can look just as slim (or slimmer) than you did before baby!

Learn more secrets of how to lose pregnancy weight.

Click Here Now to discover more secrets of postpartum weight loss and read about one inspiring Mom who found a foolproof way to banish those after pregnancy pounds!

Battling Postpartum Depression

Postpartum depression happens after some women have a baby. Not every woman who has a child will experience the baby blues, but many will. In fact, most researches believe that the majority of women experience it to some degree. Obviously some women feel it more severely than others. It iss simply depression that is triggered by giving birth to a child. It usually occurs within a year after the woman gives birth to her child.

What are the Symptoms?

The symptoms surrounding this type of depression are much like symptoms others experience when they're suffering from depression. Usually when a person is falling into a depression, they start to feel extremely sad. More often than not, they can't figure out why they feel so sad. They can't attribute the feeling to any one specific event or crisis. These feelings may be followed by feelings of anger, frustration, anxiety and loss.

While everyone feels sad, depression is more severe than sadness and has more of an impact on the depressed person than sadness itself. A woman suffering from postpartum blues may stay in bed for long periods of time, act detached toward her family or new baby, have trouble focusing and lose interest in her daily activities.

Now, any woman who has had a baby understands that these symptoms are very similar to those of sleep deprivation. It's true that a woman experiencing these symptoms may just be tired from getting accustomed to the new baby. If these symptoms last for a couple of days, it might just be what is referred to as the "baby blues." However, if they persist for more than a week, it might be wise to take the new mom to a psychiatrist.

One of the most common symptoms of this type of depression is not wanting to be near the child. After having a baby, some women feel like they'll hurt the baby if they'll go near it. Others are terrified of being a mother or uninterested in taking care of the baby. This frequently occurs in women who were originally excited to have a baby.

Treating the Symptoms

Postpartum depression is treatable. For mild cases, sleep and asking other family members to help with the new baby can help. In more severe cases, psychiatric help, group therapy or medication can help. It is difficult, but mothers suffering from it can get help.

What is Depression? is one of the leading depression information resources online. We cover everything from bipolar depression to herbal remedies for depression.


Lose 10 Postpartum Pounds in 5 Weeks

You’ve seen the teaser ads, “Lose 50 pounds in 5 days!” Some diets claim you can lose a ridiculous amount of weight in a short period of time. But the truth is if you want to sustain weight loss, the “slowly but surely” approach works best. If you gradually shed your pounds while practicing good eating and exercise habits, you will lose the weight for life and get off the diet roller coaster once and for all.

After having a baby, the extra pounds can seem almost impossible to shed with the demands of caring for a little one. So I recommend you set a doable goal like losing 2 pounds a week. In just after postpartum 5 weeks, you’ll be 10 pounds lighter and well on your way to your pre-pregnancy weight. Losing 2 pounds a week takes discipline but it can be done by following these simple guidelines.

1. Do the math. To lose one pound, you need a 3,500 calorie deficit per week. So to lose 2 pounds a week, you need to cut 7,000 calories, or 1,000 calories a day. This can be done by shaving off 500 calories from your food intake (skip that cookie snack and café mocha) and by exercising. Switching between cardio and strength training on different days, or combining the two, will help you burn 500 calories a day.

2. Put your postpartum weight loss goals in your calendar. Start your five week push on a Monday and weigh in. Let’s say you’re 150 pounds. Put the goal weight of 148 in your calendar for the following Monday and so on. Check it off on your calendar as you meet your weekly goals and plan something special for the end of the 5 weeks when you’re 10 pounds lighter.

3. Practice the essentials. There’s really no quick fix or trick to losing weight. Fitness legend Jack La Lanne says it best, “Exercise is king, diet is queen, put them together and you’ve got a kingdom.” Postpartum eat healthy and exercise every day and the weight will come off.

Today’s Action Step: Are you ready to lose 10 postpartum pounds in 5 weeks? Put your weight loss goals in the calendar, buy healthy food for your refrigerator and pantry, and start exercising today!

Arlene Pellicane, mother of a toddler and infant, helps women lose their baby weight and thrive as wives and mothers. Her weekly podcast "Losing Weight After Baby" is full of practical ideas that work for busy moms. Visit Arlene's website for free articles and exercises at http://www.losingweightafterbaby.com or her blog at http://losingweightafterbaby.wordpress.com

Easy Exercises To Manage PostPartum Back Pain

It is not uncommon to experience postpartum back pain. Some women who sailed through pregnancy without any back pain can be disappointed to be plagued with postpartum back pain. Due to an instant weight loss of about 10-12 pounds, your center of gravity, which has shifted during pregnancy, experiences a sudden shift back again. This will affect posture and can result in postpartum back pain.

Unfortunately, your pregnant body does not return to its pre-pregnancy state overnight. It takes hard work to get back to good physical condition, but returning to your normal weight and restoring the strength of the abdominal, pelvic floor and back muscles will be key to managing postpartum back pain.

It is generally recommended that the mother should wait for at least six weeks to engage in exercise after delivery of the child. Strenuous exercise, such as jogging or heavy weight lifting should be avoided in the early stages of postpartum. However, it is safe to engage in alternatives such as walking, isometric and gentle stretching exercises. These can help you to get back into shape, facilitate the weight loss process, help manage postpartum back pain and prepare you for returning to your normal activity level.

For a start, you can try out a walking program at a suitable pace. For instance, you can walk around your neighbourhood at a comfortable pace for about twenty minutes each day. Then, you can increase your pace and distance gradually once you regained your endurance. Walking helps you tone your muscles, build endurance and burn some of the materal fat stores that developed during pregnancy in order to help you lose excess weight. These combined effects will help combat port-partum back pain.

Besides this, you can also use isometric exercises to build muscle strength without putting stress on the joints. The major muscle groups to focus on are the abdominals, buttocks, inner thighs, front thighs and upper back. For instance, when performing the exercise on your upper back, you should squeeze your shoulder blades together and press your chest forward. You should hold each contraction for 5-7 seconds; repeat 5-10 repetitions, 3 times a day.

In addition, the stretching exercises that are recommended during your pregnancy are safe to resume gradually postpartum. If you try to stretch too quickly or too far, you may feel pain due to the instability of the pelvis and spine. Instead, you should slowly stretch to the point of a comfortable pulling sensation and hold the stretch for 15-20 seconds and repeat 3 times. It is important to regain normal flexibility in order to minimize stress on the joints of the spine and pelvis.

Performing the above exercise is definitely an effective and safe way to help you manage postpartum back pain and regain your body fitness as well!

If you wish to understand more about the effective ways to prevent pregnancy back pain or easy back pain relief methods, you can visit this informative site: Pregnancy Back Pain

Skyjoe. All rights reserved. This article may be freely distributed as long as it remains unaltered inclusive of the active links and the copyright notice. No alteration is allowed without express written permission from the author.

Postpartum Dietary Guidelines

Losing weight after delivering your bundle of joy is possible if you learn to change the way you eat.

The first way to do this is to eliminate the word diet temporarily from your vocabulary. This is particularly important if you are breastfeeding. You should consider yourself on a journey toward healthy eating not dieting. Some women . will be able to breastfeed successfully without adding any extra calories to their diet. Be sure that you ask your physician before attempting this, as you don't want to affect your milk supply.

So we are going to talk about creating a healthy eating plan to help you lose weight instead of a diet. Your motto from here on out should be to eat healthily. You can and you will lose weight if you adopt this strategy!

Let's talk about some simple yet effective strategies for losing weight via a healthy eating plan.

Portion Size

Portions are out of control everywhere! People have simply gotten into the habit of eating larger than normal sizes. Most restaurants now offer servings that are more well suited for three people than they are for one.

What can you do? If you eat out frequently the first thing you should consider doing is having your waiter box up half of your meal. This will prevent you from overeating and allow you to enjoy your meal without having to worry about packing on extra pounds.

If you are cooking for yourself, keep this in mind: a proper portion of protein should be about the size and depth of the palm of your hand. So, if you want to cook a steak, consider a steak that is about the size of your palm. Likewise, a serving of starchy carbohydrate should be about 1 cup, or about the amount of your fist. Not very much when you think about it is it?

Fortunately you can be a little more liberal when it comes to vegetables. Eat all the salad you want, BUT don't pile on the fatty dressing. Did you know just a tablespoon of your favorite dressing can pack on more than a hundred extra calories? Try asking for your dressing on the side, this way you can control the amount of dressing you will be adding to your salad. You can even dip a forkful of your salad into your dressing rather than pour it on top.

Other additions to the traditional 'salad' that make it fattening include bacon bits, cheese and guacamole. Your traditional taco salad is typically loaded with fatty extras including sour cream. If you are a fan of the taco salad, avoid eating the shell at all costs and consider using salsa instead of ranch dressing, you'll save several hundred calories.

Consume Enough Water

Many people believe that they are hungry when in reality they are thirsty. The body sometimes mistakes these two signals. If you think you might be hungry but have just recently eaten, consider having a large glass of water and waiting a few minutes.

Did you know that most people walk around in a state of dehydration? It is true. The best thing you can do to avoid this problem is drink at least eight large glasses of water per day (that is 8 to 10 oz of water per glass for all you that are counting!). If you feel thirsty, chances are you are already dehydrated to some extent.

Nursing women actually require more water than the average woman. Triple this if you plan on working out and perspiring. What does this mean? You should basically plan on having a water bottle at your side at all times.

Not a fan of plain water? No problem! Consider spicing up your water with a squeeze of lemon, lime or even orange. There are also many sparkling waters that are available on the market today.

Water can also help you lose weight when you drink water with your meals, which will help you feel fuller and help you eat less if you are trying to lose weight.

Add Fiber

Fiber is an important part of any diet. Most people aren't eating enough fiber. Fiber is not only important for maintaining proper elimination, it helps keep your colon healthy and can help you lose weight!

Ok so fiber is important. What exactly is it? Fiber is basically roughage, or the indigestible materials that are found in plants. It has no calories and your body doesn't have the ability to absorb it. High fiber foods can be either soluble or insoluble, meaning it can either be broken down and dissolved in water or not.

Both forms of fiber are actually very important to your health and digestive system. Fiber can help bulk up your bowel movements so that waste materials move through your body quickly and efficiently. This helps maintain your colon health and prevent constipation.

Fiber can also help regulate blood sugar and may help regulate blood cholesterol levels. An even better bonus? Fiber can help slow the absorption of sugar after a meal, and help you feel fuller longer.

Generally high fiber foods are low in calories. They make you feel full faster. Here is a list of some excellent high fiber selections that you should consider adding to your diet:

High Fiber Foods

- Fruits

- Vegetables

- Beans

- Popcorn

- Brown Rice

- Whole Grains

- Wheat Bran

- Psyllium

- Barley

- Oatmeal

- Prunes

How can you tell if you are consuming enough fiber on a day to day basis? You should try to eat at least 20-35 grams of fiber per day. Most people don't get even half of this amount in their daily diet.

One important thing to note here... if you drastically increase the amount of fiber in your diet overnight, you will experience some discomfort, primarily in the form of bloating, diarrhea and gas. Be sure to add fiber to your diet, but do so gradually and you will avoid these unpleasant symptoms.

Tips for Adding Fiber to Your Diet

- Eat fresh fruits and vegetables rather than juices.

- Keep the skin on fruit and be sure to eat it.

- Choose unprocessed foods over processed ones.

- Select whole grain foods when possible.

One additional note here... it is important to increase the amount of water you are drinking as you increase the amount of fiber in your diet, again to ensure proper digestion and to avoid uncomfortable symptoms.

Sugar and Sugar Substitutes

Is sugar really bad for you? In a word, yes! Sugar isn't really bad, but it certainly doesn't provide you with any nutrients or high quality vitamins and minerals. Most people have trouble losing weight because their diets are jam packed full of sugar.

Sugar is in everything, particularly foods that have been overly processed. Think sugar isn't in the Chinese take out you ordered the other night? Think again! Sugar serves one purpose when you are trying to lose weight... it packs on calories!

Eating too much sugar will also help disrupt your blood sugar levels, causing your blood sugar to rapidly rise and fall again, which (you guessed it) will help contribute to weight gain by making you hungry more of the time.

So what can you do to reduce your intake of sugar? First and foremost you should work to eliminate the amount of processed food that you eat. Whenever possible you should be consuming foods that are in their natural state. This includes plenty of lean meats, fruits and vegetables. Anything that comes in a box that is microwaveable is a processed food item.

Even pre-made pancakes are processed! Have you ever looked at the ingredients on the side of the box? You will undoubtedly run into 'sugar' at some point or another. Many cereals also contain large amounts of sugar.

Make your own pancakes if you can with flour, milk and eggs. Another thing you can to do help facilitate your weight loss is start reading labels. If you read before you buy you are less likely to add things to your cart that are high in calories due to added sugar.

If you have a sweet tooth, you might consider sugar substitutes. Some popular selections include Splenda and NutraSweet. Some people also substitute honey for sugar. Honey is actually a better choice than sugar because people tend to use less and It is low in calories.

Eat Slowly and Thoughtfully

Far too many people eat while they are on the go. Even more eat while they are watching television.

This is actually one of the number one things you can do that will sabotage your diet. Time and time again studies have shown that people tend to eat more when they eat in front of the TV. Why? Well for one you are eating absentmindedly.

So what can you do to avoid mindless eating? First and foremost turn off the television. If at all possible you should strive to sit down and enjoy your meal whenever possible.

Now, we certainly understand that you have a new baby, and are very busy. Baby's needs usually get addressed before mommy's. However, EVERYONE has ten minutes in the day where they can slow down long enough to eat. When you eat it is important that you do so thoughtfully.

The first thing you should do is actually inhale your food. Smell it. Simply smelling your food sends signals to your brain that you are fulfilling your biological need to eat, and will help trigger your satiety signals when you are full, helping prevent overeating.

The next thing you need to do is actually chew your food. Take a bite and chew your food thoroughly. In the hub to get things done most people don't actually chew there food, they inhale it. Chewing your food thoroughly will help saliva break down the food you are eating and help you feel full faster. People who actually chew there food tend to fill up much faster than those that don't.

You should also learn to enjoy your food. Savor every taste. Take note of the texture of the food you are eating. This is what is known as mindful eating, and like chewing your food, it will help you avoid over-eating because you are paying more attention to what you are eating rather than simply gorging yourself.

Pre-Cook Meals

Any experienced mom will tell you the value of pre-cooked meals. Meals you cook ahead of time are meals that are readily available when chaos breaks lose and you no longer have the time to cook a proper meal for you and your family.

Consider taking one day of the week to prep a bunch of meals for that week. If you pre-plan you meals, you have time to ensure that everything you are preparing is cooked in a healthy, low fat and high nutrient manner.

If you have never been much of a cook in the past, consider purchasing a low fat cookbook and trying out a few recipes. There are many versions out there that offering easy cooking recipes for people on the go.

Any meals you prepare ahead of time you can break down into single serving or multiple serving sizes and place in the freezer for later consumption.

How does pre-cooking help you lose weight? If you have meals prepared ahead of time, you are less likely to order a pizza or some other unhealthy food on the spur of the moment because you don't have a lot of time to prepare a full meal.

Pre-cooking meals will also enable you to better control portion sizes. You can decide ahead of time how much food is the right amount, and keep track of the caloric content of the foods you are preparing.

Article by Beverley Brooke, author of "Ensure a healthy safe pregnancy for you and your baby", visit http://www.pregnancywizard.com for more on postpartum exercise

Causes and Symptoms of Postpartum Depression

Having a baby can be a very scary time for most couples. Both the man and the woman begin to think about the things that they need to protect their child from and the things that their babies need in order for them to stay healthy and happy.

These fears and overwhelming feelings are more often seen in the woman then the man. The woman is the one carrying the child and therefore the one who is worrying about the health of the baby with everything that she does. Plus a lot of women are worrying about how they will be able to cope with taking care of a baby and the many changes in their life that will take place.

According to statistics 10% of new moms will have mild to severe emotional problems commonly referred to as postpartum depression. It more often happens after the child is born. During this time their hormones are everywhere and can increase their emotions. They are also trying to take in all of the changes in their life. Postpartum psychosis is a more severe form of this type of depression.

New moms should not feel ashamed if they have postpartum depression. It is just a time of adjustment for them. To work through it they only need to learn to deal with the symptoms of it and love and take care of their new child.

Postpartum Depression Symptoms

Symptoms of postpartum depression can be very intense for some women and they can last for a few weeks to a few months. For some women these symptoms will interfere with their ability to take care of their child as well as everyday tasks.


·Intense anger

·Loss of appetite

·No joy in life

·No desire to have sex

·Heavy fatigue

·Shame and guilt

·Severe mood swingsHard time connecting with the child

·Becomes reclusive and cuts oneself from friends and family

·Thoughts of harming oneself or the baby

·Postpartum Psychosis Symptoms

Postpartum psychosis is a rare form of this condition that can start to develop during the first couple weeks after the baby is born. The symptoms are doubled and can be dangerous around the baby.




·Tries to harm oneself or the baby

Postpartum Depression Causes

Emotional Changes - When women are overwhelmed and deprived of hours of sleep they will become more irritable and will have trouble dealing with even the smallest problems. This will make them that much more worried about their ability to take care of their child. At the same time they are trying to deal with the fact that they feel they have lost sight of who they are.

Lifestyle Changes - Some women are not prepared to care for a new baby and do not expect the time and energy that they need every day. They will find that their lives and the things they once did will not be possible. They may also have to deal with financial problems or not having the support they need from their partner or family members and friends.

Physical Changes - When the woman has given birth to the child the level of progesterone and estrogen will dramatically drop leading to postpartum depression. Also the hormones that are produced by the thyroid gland may also drop. This will cause you to feel tired and depressed. Because of this your immune system, metabolism, and blood pressure will change.

Losing Your Hair - It Could Be Postpartum Hair Loss

Hair loss can occur due to many reasons. Sometimes women tend to lose hair after giving birth to a child. This is referred to as postpartum hair loss. Whenever a women is pregnant or there is a great amount of what is known as hormones that are moving inside a woman's body. This movement is more so after the birth of the baby as some dramatic changes take in the body. One of the most common symptoms that can occur during these times is hair loss.

Postpartum hair loss can be sometimes a frightening experience for a woman, but they need not worry since they will not become bald and the problem would recede once the hormones return to the normal level. Although this is the case, the time duration for the normalcy of the levels of hormones to occur may differ from person to person. On an average it takes around 3-4 months for it to happen.

These days with advances in science and in the medical field, there are various treatment procedures available for postpartum hair loss. Almost any doctor would tell you that this is absolutely normal and there is no need to worry about it. However if the condition bothers you too, there is no need to panic or worry since there are many treatment methods available to treat this particular condition.

Postpartum hair loss can be treated using certain products that you can find being widely available in the market these days. Although they are widely available you should always consult your doctor before you take them. This is especially important since some of the ingredients in such products may prove harmful to the babies in case you are a pregnant woman. You should therefore take care when choosing from among the many such products available in the market.

Postpartum hair loss can be avoided to a large extent by just consuming a healthy diet. This would result in not only healthy hair but in radiant and glowing skin too. A postpartum dietary supplement for instance is a good way to ensure that you are receiving sufficient amounts of essential minerals and vitamins. This would encourage overall hair health and promote growth. You should avoid things such as permanents and hair dyes while you are pregnant. They are most likely to cause postpartum hair loss by weakening the hair. You should therefore avoid such strong products during your pregnancy. It is important for any pregnant woman to take care of all these aspects.

For your free course teaching you exactly how to stop postparum hair loss using all natural hair loss remedies simply go to http://www.provillusreview.org

How to Lose Weight After Having a Baby - Postpartum Weight Loss Tips

In order to reclaim your body after pregnancy, you should maintain a healthy diet and workout regimen. Mostly new moms want to get back in shape soon after delivery, which can be possible with some extra care. Your uterus needs minimum four weeks to contract. The amount of weight loss in the first two weeks will be around 10-20 pounds. The extra fluid in your body gets discarded during this phase. Your hips and pelvic areas will take time to return back to its pre-pregnancy state. It is advisable to wait for 4 to 6 weeks before starting a workout regime because your body needs time for recovery.

Postpartum Weight Loss Tips

* Nutrition plays a major role for loosing weight healthily. A good diet can easily help you in shedding those extra pounds while your breast-feeding process also enhances due to good food intake. Postpartum, women should include lots high fibrous foods such as vegetables and fruits, which can easily flush out toxins from your body.

* Protein rich diet is also beneficial for maintaining the energy levels in your body. You should take lean meats, egg whites, soy based products, fishes etc.

* Most women get tempted to eat various unhealthy products such as junk food, high fat product etc. In order to lose weight safely, one should completely avoid the consumption of high calorie food. You should preferably keep your temptation level low for attaining a well-shaped body after pregnancy.

* A good lifestyle is the key for a healthy body. Some mild workout session can easily diminish the postpartum depression. Usually new mom encounters various problems such as exhaustion, mood swings and fatigue. In order to fight these obstacles, one should perform short workouts. You should split your exercises throughout the day for gaining maximum results. It is advisable to feed your baby before your workouts.

* Mild cardio exercises such as walking or jogging, crunches & other light abdominal workouts are the best way to shed those extra pounds.

* Regular meal intake boosts metabolism in our body. Taking small meals can accelerate the process of fat burning. You should preferably take 6-8 small meals daily. It is always advisable to eat only when you are hungry.

* Drinking plenty of water hydrates your body. It helps in maintaining a steady bowel movement, which consequently enhances your overall health. One should drink 10-12 glasses of water daily.

* The above-mentioned techniques will not only enhance your shape but also rejuvenate your mental focus with panache.

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3 Easy PostPartum Ab Exercises

Having a baby is perhaps the most beautiful thing a woman can experience, all the previous months to the delivery everything is filled with joy an amusement as they see their tummies getting bigger and bigger. But...once the baby is born, things get different, the main question is "how to recover my tight stomach?" Some say use special clothes, other recommend to be on diet, but the truth is tat you need in any case to do postpartum abs exercises.

Don't be discouraged by the lack of energy. Doing these exercises will in fact give you more energy! Before engaging in these activities it is best to consult with a professional to perform them in an effective way with no injuries.

Progressive Crunchless Crunch

This postpartum ab exercise will help you work your abs the same way as traditional crunches but avoiding the strain in the neck.

1. Sit on a chair, with on hand above the bellybutton and one below to let you feel the contractions.

2. Expand your midsection with a big deep breath.

3. Breathe out while pulling your belly in towards your spine.

4. Briefly contract your abdominal muscles 5 times.

5. Repeat for an entire set.


1. Sit on a chair like with the progressive crunchless crunch.

2. Breathe deeply to open your midsection.

3. Exhale and bring your belly halfway to your spine.

4. Pull the belly fully to your spine. Hold for one second.

5. Repeat form the halfway 100 times.

Crunchless Crunch

This is like the first exercise but with just one move.

1. Lie with on your stomach, and relax completely.

2. Pull your bellybutton towards your spine. Hold for tens seconds or until you can't feel the muscles very good.

3. If it feels too easy hold for more seconds.

The goal is to hold the contraction until you feel the rest of abs muscles working harder than the transverse abdominal muscles.

The good thing about these postpartum abs exercises is that you can do them any time throughout the day. You can even do them while breastfeeding your baby! (Except the crunchless crunch) Stick to them and you'll recover your tight stomach in no time!

Learn how to get the stomach you want with PostPartum Abs Exercises. While you are there be sure to join our newsletter for tips and more product reviews.

Postpartum Appetite Management For Help Losing Your Postpartum Tummy Pouch

Postpartum life and pregnancy itself present various challenges as far as diet and fitness are concerned. In this article I will suggest a method or two for staving off those between meal cravings.

It seems that since the beginning of time cravings have been a huge part of pregnancy and postpartum life. One could even make a case that controlling cravings or between meal snacks is something that we all should aspire to for life. It is common knowledge that snacking is a major culprit in the fight against obesity in the western world.

You have to admit that when one of these evil craving comes over you, if you can just make a good decision the craving will be satisfied by whatever you choose. I have found that instead of following your feeling you should do your best to be conscious or mindful of your snack decisions. When you take the time to think for just a second you will make better choices. Of course it helps to rid your pantry of all high sugar low nutrition snacks, so that they are not right in your face everyday.

Replacing Postpartum Snacks & Meals:

Most nutritionist are on board with the idea of eating small meals more often during the day instead of eating the traditional three big meals. The idea being that your body will not go into starvation mode there-by keeping your metabolism on a faster track. The problem with this eating 6-to-8 meals a day is that life tends to get in the way.

Before you know it 4 hours have gone by and you get a hunger pain. One of the best solution for this is liquid meal substitution or smoothies. There are some very good concoctions out there now. These things are not your parents smoothies. Today smoothie shakes have both nutritional value and great taste.

A Few Meal Replacement Suggestion:

Here are a few suggested smoothies that will more than get you through your postpartum diet cravings.

#1 Lightful Satiety Smoothies:

Get it at: Whole Foods

Price: $2.79

Contents: Five grams fiber & protein- You should feel full for 2-to-3 hours

Calories: 90 with 1/2 gram of fat

Taste: Cafe' Latte with authentic coffee flavor

#2 Satiatrim:

Get it at: Satiatrim.com

Price: $40.00 Per Case

Contents: no-data You should feel full for 4 hours

Calories: 50 (60% of them from fat 3 1/2 grams) 3 grams of heart healthy fat-

Taste: Multiple flavors

#3 Slim-Fast Optima Shakes:

Get it at: Most Grocery Stores

Price: $6.69 per six-pack

Contents: 5grams fiber & 10grams protein You should feel full for 4 hours

Calories: 190 calories 6grams fat, 50% of your calcium and 100% of your vitamin c needs

Taste: Multiple Flavors

These are recommended meal/snack replacements review by "Shape Magazine"

I hope these good alternatives will help you stave off some of those evil cravings! Thank you and good luck.

The miracle of pregnancy is just that, a miracle. However we do have to take action in the real world to look out for the physical vessel bringing the new life to us, the mom. Take a leading role in your own physical condition, by visiting the site below. It was designed for moms by a mom.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=V._Pearson

9 Ways to Cope With Postpartum Depression

Over the years, numerous tragic stories have been in the news as a result of postpartum depression. Last year, it has even prompted the U.S. House of Representatives, to authorize spending $3 million aimed at awareness and further research. Postpartum depression (PPD) is actually a form of mood disorder that begins after childbirth and may last beyond six weeks and even up to a year. It affects about 15% of all childbearing women regardless of the number of pregnancies she has had.

Women with PPD, go through various stages of anxiety, especially with the added responsibility of caring for a newborn. In extreme cases where women are not able to seek help, they end up committing crimes or worse, they commit suicide. PPD is a very serious condition and it needs to be addressed the soonest time possible.

Symptoms of PPD may vary but feelings of guilt, sadness and depression are common. Lack of energy or inability to sleep also affects women suffering from the condition. As far as eating habits are concerned, women with PPD tend to either eat so little or eat too much. This may lead to excessive weight loss or weight gain. Aside from that they may lose interest in the baby, and may have thoughts of hurting them as well. Others have anxiety or panic attacks and for severe cases, they have suicidal ideation.

Because the symptoms vary from mild to severe, it is important to recognize the need to reach out for help. Many women have not been able to control it in the early stages, because they felt embarrassed to ask for help. Reaching out is actually a vital step in the treatment of PPD. Here are helpful ways to cope:

1. Eat properly. If you have problems with your appetite, you can have small frequent feedings to provide you adequate nutrients throughout the day.

2. Start exercising. Mild exercises like walking can be done for thirty minutes a day, and at least three times a week. Studies have shown that exercise can improve overall well being.

3. Take extra time to rest. If you are burned out from your chores, learn to delegate to other members of the family. An extra pair of hands will allow you more time to catch up on much needed sleep. Lack of sleep would only exacerbate symptoms of depression.

4. If needed, get counseling. This will allow you to cope with the stresses and conflicts in your life that may be affecting your mood.

5. Be open and talk to your partner. Share your worries and concerns. This is the best time for you to feel that you are reassured and loved. If you are alone, you don't have to go through it by yourself. Talk to close friends and other family members, they may help ease your fears and anxiety.

6. Socialize. It's important that you get in touch with the outside world too. Enclosing yourself only allows you to dwell more in your misery.

7. Join a support group. Numerous resources and groups online can provide you a lot of information and much needed support. You are not going through this alone, a lot of people are.

8. It is important to recognize that the road to recovery takes time. Do not give up if you still have bad days. It's always a process and gradually your mood will improve with proper treatment.

9. Seek medical help. For severe cases, treatment is necessary and your doctor will probably prescribe you medications. If you are breastfeeding, be sure to inform your doctor so he will prescribe safe medications for you.

These are only a few steps to cope with postpartum depression. Many lives are affected every year because of PPD, but it is most important to realize that, you don't ever have to go through it alone.

Jane Heiza is a mother of two, and is very knowledgeable with regards to PPD. She takes the issue to heart for how little emphasis women and husbands pay attention to PPD symptoms. Jane Heiza is a staff columnist for www.Gagazine.com - An online parenting & pregnancy newsletter. Her latest article being "Best Ways To Prevent Stretch Marks".

Postpartum Care -- Look After Yourself As Well As Your Baby

Postpartum care is all about looking after yourself in the few weeks after the birth of your baby. If you're feeling relaxed and happy, chances are everyone in the family will be too. The postpartum can be difficult for some mums as their body recovers from the stresses of labour. So don't worry if the house isn't perfect or the dishes don't get done and don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it. Remember Superwoman is a myth!

Postpartum is the period of about six weeks from the time of birth until your body makes the adjustments it needs to return to normal. There are a few things that can go wrong and if you're aware of these you'll be prepared and they won't seem so frightening.

1.Postpartum hemorrhage ~ This may happen straight after the birth, but sometimes up to several hours later. There is a significant loss of blood which can be serious and needs instant treatment. Fortunately postpartum hemorrhage is rare, affecting under 20% of all births. Some blood loss is quite normal during this period and is nothing to be concerned about.

2.Postpartum preeclampsia ~ Although this is mainly a symptom of pregnancy, preeclampsia can happen after giving birth as well. Preeclampsia symptoms are high blood pressure and excess protein in the urine. The signs that you may have this condition are recurring headaches and/or blurred vision. Preeclampsia is serious if untreated. Fortunately it can be successfully treated if caught in time.

3.Postpartum depression ~ This is a very common complaint and can vary from mild to extreme. It's mainly caused by hormonal changes in your body. A feeling of loss of identity may also cause you to feel depressed.

What are the postpartum depression signs? Well you may be feeling overwhelmed, sad, excessively tired, uninterested and above all, guilty that you're feeling this way, Because, after all, this should be a happy time, shouldn't it?

Just be assured that you are perfectly normal and that thousands of women are going through this phase and have been since the dawn of time.

Understand that your body has been through a tremendous amount of stress and that it will take some time to recover. Giving birth poses both physical and psychological changes both at the same time. You may also be feeling excluded when family and friends are making a fuss of your baby and you're no longer the main attrraction. This feeling of loss of identity is quite normal and you're just being human.

You also have the huge responsibility of caring for a newborn while dealing with sleep deprivation at the same time. No wonder your feeling exhausted, scared and anxious. This is perfectly normal and will probably last for a week or two. If it persisits or gets worse, you may have to visit your doctor.

Although postpartum depression is a form of depression, it has a clinical cause so be wary of prescribed depression drugs. These have a low success rate and are totally unsuitable if you're breastfeeding. I'll leave you with one important natural way of handling postpartum depression.

Take Omega 3 supplements. Omega 3 is also found in fish, but with all the mercury contamination in some fish, supplements are the safest way to go. Omega 3 is a great way to boost your mood and is good for your and your baby's health as well.

Postpartum care is a necessary but neglected part of women's health. Whether it's postpartum depression or assisting your body back to normal, vist Postpartum Care to find out about natural ways to help postpartum recovery and enjoy this special time in your life. Wendy Owen (HH Dip) is a holistic health therapist with an extensive knowledge in homeopathic and herbal remedies.