
Lose Postpartum Weight - And Keep It Off Forever

Dieting alone can't guarantee that you will lose postpartum weight. No matter what the diet program, no matter how many pounds you lose, the strategies that enabled you to succeed on a diet are not the ones that will work for keeping the weight off.

That is why so many women who lose postpartum weight are often unsuccessful at keeping it off. A new strategy for maintaining your healthy weight is needed, a strategy that will enable you to stay in control of your eating because the only way to lose postpartum weight for good is to make permanent changes in your fundamental beliefs about weight and food.

That means developing a whole new model for living with food. A model that frees you from the belief that following a healthy way of eating to lose postpartum weight means deprivation and missing out. One that releases you from feeling that once you've lost weight you are doomed to and endless struggle to keep it off.

Your goal is to adopt an eating plan that can guide your food choices to successfully lose postpartum weight and beyond, without leaving you feeling deprived or diminished. A plan that allows you to go out to dinner without obsessing over the dessert tray.

It is my belief, that to a large degree, we are victims of cultural psychology and food technology. We are surrounded by pleasing and tempting foods that can be grabbed in an instant whenever we are bored or upset or the whim strikes us. Most people overeat, or eat poorly, because easily abused foods are so readily available.

When you set out to lose postpartum weight, you can't just trick your body into becoming permanently thin by temporarily depriving it of calories. The body doesn't work that way. In fact, when a "dieter" goes back to "normal" eating, the body starts packing the calories away into fat cells once again, often with a little extra as a defense mechanism.

So, if you are serious about how to lose postpartum weight and permanently keep it from returning, you need to make a conscience effort to recognize this cultural programming which permeates our society and begin to take a different point of view concerning the foods you eat. When you are ready to make this distinction, and willing to exert the necessary effort to change your habits, you will be amazed at how quickly the fat will melt from your body once you begin to eat correctly.

About the Author

Copyright 2008 John Franco. John Franco has been directly involved in the Health and Fitness Industry for close to thirty years. To learn more about how to lose postpartum weight and take the mystery out of eating correctly to permanently strip fat, increase energy and maintain good health, visit http://www.fatfreemommy.com and claim your Free Guide, "Learning The Secrets That Weight L.

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