
Postpartum Depression Suffering Mothers Run the Risk of having Unruly Children!

Medical surveys have shown that most of human beings experience depression in their lives. At some point of time and in some degree almost every human being suffers depression. However, this does not conclude that every little instance of sadness is a case of clinical depression. In fact it has recently been found that the mental disorder depression is being over diagnosed. Many so called depression cases are not actually depression but normal cases of sadness and low mood phases. But this is a different matter altogether. Depression as such has got a number of divisions made on the basis of the type, the victim, and the nature.

In general women are very much prone to suffering depression. There are some types of depression that are only specific to women. Women suffer from depression in many important phases of her life. A woman has to undergo a number of major turning points that apart from bringing about important changes to her anatomy, also leave impressionable impacts on her mind. Changes like attaining puberty, getting married, pregnancy and then bearing children are some of the most important happenings that are bound to happen in the lives of almost all the women. For some these events are sources of great happiness but for some others these same happenings become sources of irritation, unhappiness, and depression.

Postpartum depression is a form of the disease that is exclusive for the women. Postpartum depression refers to depression that a woman might go through after child birth. Though there is no specific reason behind this depression still it is often thought that the major physical changes, the pain of delivery, the pressure of bringing up the child are some of the reasons that are often account for this depression. Sometimes other factors like an unwanted pregnancy, single motherhood, unhappy relationship with the father of the child etc also become reasons for postpartum depression.

Post partum depression is curable and a woman can very well recover from this with the help of medicines and other prescribed depression cures. But a thing of major concern for such women is that there are high chances that their children turn out to be violent and unruly when they grow up. The symptoms start showing from the age of 11, a new study proves. Thus it won't be wrong to say that violent kids are a side effect of postpartum depression. This side effect was more common in the boys than in the girls and especially in the children of the mothers who suffered depression continually for about three to five months after delivery. The probable relation between these factors has been owed to the fact that these children failed to get the required attention, care, and emotional security that a child requires from its mother because of her depression.

Buy xanax is an effective answer to cure depression. However, whether or not it should be taken in the case of postpartum depression is doubtful and depends on the doctor's prescription. But if you have a prescription you can easily buy xanax online.

About the Author

The writer dwells on issues relating to anxiety, depression, stress, anti-anxiety treatments such as xanax and other issues associated with mental health. For more tidbits on these matters, visit the website xanax-effects.com.

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