
Facts About Postpartum Depression Treatments

Postpartum Depression is very different from the “baby blues.” The baby blues is a brief period of depression immediately after the birth of your baby. It is related to having carried your child for nine months inside of you. Now, you are not nurturing them inside of you but they are in your arms. Once you behold your child, the baby blues usually goes away or shortly thereafter.

Postpartum Depression typically begins from a few weeks to about six months after delivery. Generally speaking, it is marked by an intense sadness and difficulty in enjoying your newborn. You may even consider hurting yourself or your baby. In some extreme cases, Postpartum Psychosis can develop, which is marked with hallucinations, delusions, bizarre thoughts and/or suicidal impulses. If you are feeling this way or suspect someone around is, get help right away. It is for the safety of your baby and yourself.

First of all, you need to consult with a physician, as your symptoms could also be due to fatigue or an underlying physical issue. If you are suffering with Postpartum Depression, there are treatments available to help you. There are other things too that you can do to prevent things from becoming so overwhelming that you become distraught.

You have been through a lot and you have this little bitty person that you are responsible for. Take offers of help from friends and family. Let them come and do some cleaning, cooking or shopping. Let someone sit with the baby while you shower, take a nap, or go for a walk. Take your baby for a walk in the sunshine; it will do you both good. When your child sleeps, try to sleep as well. While these are not “treatments” per se, they can provide great relief.

Psychotherapy is a great tool. In Psychotherapy, you may explore your current stresses and how they can be made less stressful. You may explore your childhood and any unresolved issues that need to be dealt with. Your relationships and interpersonal skills may be examined as well.

Medications may be prescribed to get you through this rough time. Some medications are designed to deal with the chemical in the brain called Serotonin. Others deal with Serotonin and Norepinephrine. All of the medications work at either providing or getting the brain to use mood related chemicals more efficiently. The medication prescribed will depend on the type of Depression you may be suffering from. If you are nursing your baby, care should definitely be given to any medication you take.

Herbal supplements may be an option for you. Check with your physician to be sure that they are safe, especially if you are nursing. Not all supplements are approved by the FDA and not enough studies have been done on pregnant or nursing mothers. Of course, you will want to get the purest possible supplements that you can - and to be sure you are getting what you think you are getting. They should be made to pharmaceutical grade and the metabolic route of the ingredients should always be examined at the molecular level.

The interactions of the ingredients in your supplement should be evaluated to give you the best possible health results. This also ensures quality and that the ingredients in the supplement are really in it. This is a known problem where people are buying supplements assuming they are benefiting their health, when in fact, they are actually impairing it!

Postpartum Depression is especially hard because you can feel guilty about the difficult time you may be having enjoying your baby. There is help for you though and with good treatment, you can and will get through it. In the end, you will enjoy your baby for the unique being s/he is. Don’t be afraid to ask for or take help if it is offered.

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John Gibb is the manager and owner of various health websites. His latest addition is Natural Depression Alleviation.

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