
Pilates With Your Baby - Postpartum Exercise Routines That Work

Taking care of a new born baby can sometimes leave you feeling exhausted and frustrated, especially when you want to take the weight you just gained back off. Sometime trying to find time for postpartum exercises between diaper changes, feedings, and the rest of the things you on a regular basis can be very frustrating. Instead of worrying about finding the time, make the time, and include your new baby in your workout. What a great way for you and your child to bond!

The areas of concentration for postpartum weight loss should be your abdominal muscles, your hips, the muscles of your lower back, buttocks and pelvis. These are the areas that are affected the most during pregnancy. There are specific postpartum exercises to help you get them back in shape and instead of using Pilate's equipment to help you maintain the proper form needed to perform the exercise, you use your baby.

Mothers and babies spend a lot of time together during the first months of the baby's life. But if mom has to go back to work, their time is severally reduced. By working out with your child once a day, you get to retains some of that precious time together and still have the ability to get your body back in shape. Always make sure you baby is also in a good mood and rested this will make your experience more enjoyable for both of you. While doing the exercises, talk to you baby, laugh, play, and let them know that they are loved.

Before you start any postpartum exercise routine, make sure your doctor has said its okay. You do not want to cause any undue stress to your body and cause any complications that could cause problems done the line. Start out by performing each exercise three to four times and work your up to ten times a piece. Rest if you have to and do not overexert yourself. Keep blankets and pillows available or your baby's bouncy seat in case both of you get tired. And if you do get tired, feel free to just sit and cuddle your little one.

If you are familiar with Pilate's exercises, you will be able to do these exercises easily. Start with hundreds - similar to pelvic lifts - and place you baby on your lap leaning against your thighs. Perform the exercise while keeping eye contact with you baby. Other Pilate's exercises should include leg stretches and kicks, side kicks, leg pull downs and plies. If you have had a C-section, avoid any of the exercises that put undue stress on your incision.

You will have to work at getting your body back into shape and it can take anywhere from six to twelve months before you see results. By following a good diet, getting as much rest as possible, and drinking plenty of water, you will be on your towards your pre-pregnancy body. Add postpartum exercises to the mix with some patience and effort, you'll have you figure back in no time.

The miracle of pregnancy is just that, a miracle. However we do have to take action in the real world to look out for the physical vessel bringing the new life to us, the mom. Take a leading role in your own physical condition, by visiting the site below. It was designed for moms by a mom.


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