
Postpartum Weight Loss - The Importance of a Good Post Pregnancy Diet

Many pregnant women understand the importance of following a well balanced diet during pregnancy, but seem unconcerned about it afterwards.

During pregnancy there is a real need for more calories, but a post pregnancy diet doesn't require these extra calories, although breastfeeding does need some more. This can be one of the major causes of preventing successful postpartum weight loss and causing long term weight problems for many women.

Overeating during pregnancy may expand the size of your stomach meaning you will need more food to fill it. Your body's hunger response is governed by this process. In order to make sure you don't feel hungry you will need to reduce your stomach size, by cutting down on your portion sizes.

Do this by reducing the amount of calories you consume gradually over a few days.

It is strongly advised to avoid drinking alcohol when pregnant but after giving birth many women will succumb to the odd glass. Whilst there is nothing wrong with the occasional drink, regularly overdoing it will add many extra calories in to the diet which are far more likely to be stored as body fat.

It should be noted that any substances you put in to your body whilst breast feeding will in some way make it through your breast milk and in to your baby.

Now more than ever you should aim to eat a well balanced diet. This will help speed up postpartum weight loss, assist in repairing the body and provide you with loads of energy.

If time was tight before, you will find it more of an issue now, with all the extra tasks associated with having a new baby. Get organised, write shopping lists in advance, plan out meals and snacks and only buy the items you've written on your list.

When planning the foods to eat, allow for treats but make sure they are a rarity and not a regular occurrence, once or twice a week is ideal.

A post pregnancy diet shouldn't be too calorie restrictive, don't starve yourself, instead try to gradually reduce the amount of calories you eat and ensure that your diet contains plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, loads of water and a minimum of processed foods.

Jago Holmes is a registered personal trainer and director of New Image Fitness Ltd. He is a qualified personal trainer with over 10 years experience working with new mums and pregnant women. He has created a website for new mothers, devoted entirely to safe and effective weight loss after pregnancy - http://www.greatshapeafterbaby.com

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