
Losing Weight Postpartum - 2 Ways That Guarantee Weight Loss After Pregnancy

Are you bent on losing weight postpartum? I know with all the mommy duties you need to do, it seems pretty tough, right? But when you really get down to it, there are only two basic steps you need to take that can make you lose weight guaranteed.

1. Eat 4 to 5 times a day. I could almost hear you say "Are you serious?!" Yes, I am. But before you even have a field day with your refrigerator, let me clarify that. Those 4 to 5 meals are mini - meals -- you eat more frequently but in smaller portions. And I'm not talking about small bags of potato chips or small tubs of ice cream.

If you want guaranteed weight loss, your mini-meals need to consist of healthy food that packs all the nutrients you need. Have a scrambled egg for breakfast, grilled fish for lunch and a chicken salad for dinner. For mid-day snacks, have an apple or a handful of peanuts.

2. Exercise in short bursts. Short burst exercises are power-packed moves that target your whole body and maximizes your postpartum weight loss in a short period of time. The good news is you don't even have to go to the gym because these exercises can be done right at home. All you need is your body weight and you're good to go.

Squats, lunges and variations of the plank exercise are good short burst exercises. But remember: before you engage in any postpartum exercises, make sure that your doctor gives the go-signal so you'll know for sure these exercises will do you good.

Are you ready to have a brand new body?

Losing weight postpartum is doable. The good news is you don't even have to wait nine months to achieve it.

With the right combination of healthy eating and ample exercise, you can start getting a better body in a month. To make things easier for you, you can follow a step-by-step-plan that will guarantee results when you really act on them.

Click here to learn how to lose post pregnancy weight
Remember to pick up the FREE REPORT on how to kickstart your weight loss after pregnancy.

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